The ECRC is delighted to announce Temp. Assistant Chief Constable Simon Parkes as our newest Director.

Simon Parkes joined Essex Police almost be accident in 1994 having graduated with a mining geology degree at a point of recession in the metals market.
Simon’s career has predominantly been within serious and complex investigations, and he is an experienced PIP3 and PIP4 Senior Investigating Officer.
In 2013 Simon transferred to Suffolk Police as a Detective Superintendent. He led Intelligence and Special Branch teams working across Norfolk and Suffolk and was the Authorising Officer for CHIS and SOC operations. Simon was the Force Lead for hostage and crisis negotiation and is a Strategic Firearms Commander and Gold Public Order Commander. As Detective Chief Superintendent, Simon led Norfolk and Suffolk Protective Services and was the Head of Crime for Suffolk, responsible for Safeguarding and Investigations.
In July 2018 Simon applied for one of the best roles in policing and was seconded to Eastern Region Specialist Operations Unit responsible for the Regional Organised Crime Unit and Counter-terrorism policing. In September 2022 he took strategy lead for ERSOU as the Assistant Chief Constable.
Simon’s career highlights include leading the investigations into the blackmail of a high profile public figure, the murders of 17yr old Jay Whiston and Pc Ian Dibell and leading the safe resolution of a protracted siege.
Outside the workplace Simon is ‘managing’ two daughters at university and despite high levels of enthusiasm continues to be frustrated by a low level of ability across a range of sports including mountaineering, karate, running and mountain biking.
Welcome aboard Simon.