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Who we work with

The Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre (ECRC) is a collaborative company, and we are supported by a number of other companies.

Learn about our partnerships

Our Cyber Essentials Partners are Cyber Essentials accreditation bodies in the Eastern Region.


This means you can build your relationship with a local company, at the same time you build your cyber resilience.

Cyber Essentials Partners
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Meet our CEPs

Our AG is made up of industry experts, academia and membership organisations and help to review the communications and interaction with our members. 


The members of the AG are awesome individuals who recognise that helping SMEs and the third sector is needed.

Advisory Group
ECRC Advisory Group Logo.png

Meet our AG

Community Ambassadors are local companies who understand the importance of cyber resilience and want to spread the knowledge, both within their own customers and supply chains and wherever relevant.

Community Ambassadors
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Meet our CAs

The ECRC works closely with local policing to ensure that our members benefit from the free tools and services that local policing offers.

Police Protect Network

Meet Police Protect

Friends of the Centre are membership organsiations who want to help thier members and community build their cyber resilience.


These organisations actively ask their members to join the ECRC as they recognise that cyber resilience is an essential in today's digital world.

Friends of the Centre
ECRC Friend of the Centre Logo.png

Meet our Friends

Wherever you are in the UK there is a CRC for you!


So if you know of organisations who would benefit from the services of the CRC but are not in the area, let them know of their local one.

CRC Network
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Meet the CRCs

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