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Food and Retail Businesses: Would your staff recognise a cyber-attack?
The food and retail industry have been subjected to immense pressure over the last couple of years, but the COVID-19 pandemic has changed...
Jan 12, 20235 min read

Is my school at risk of a phishing attack?
Cyber-attacks against schools continue to be a concern across the Eastern region. The reasons for this are fairly simple Schools possess...
Jan 5, 20235 min read

How can my travel firm protect itself from a phishing attack?
From the middle of 2022 a small but financially motivated cybercrime group – identified as TA558 by Enterprise security firm Proofpoint...
Dec 8, 20225 min read

What is phishing and how does it affect tech and IT companies?
We all know that email phishing attacks are continuing to increase in complexity and frequency year over year. Hackers are employing more...
Nov 2, 20225 min read

Please connect, and take a look at my CV. It’s not a phishing email.
HR companies are undoubtedly a target for cyber criminals who want to get their hand on personal information, after all a HR firm will...
Sep 13, 20222 min read

What are the free cyber security tools that Healthcare could utilise?
Healthcare companies are still at risk from a range of cybercrime attacks, from the annoying, obvious phishing attempt, to the...
Sep 7, 20224 min read

Could an email be a threat to your healthcare business?
Among businesses, healthcare is one of the sectors most likely to hold personal data. 81% of businesses stating they do, according to the...
Aug 11, 20223 min read

Can I have Phish with that?
The food and retail sector is having a hard time at the moment, with rising prices seemingly everywhere and the pandemic altering our...
Jul 19, 20222 min read

Phishing Finance? If I was a criminal I would target them
Finance companies are a lucrative target for cybercriminals and the most common attack method is through the employees via phishing in...
Jun 14, 20223 min read

Are Educational Institutions at risk from a phishing attack?
Absolutely they are! The Cyber Breaches 2022 Survey Education Annex has some brilliant insights into what educational institutions are...
May 5, 20224 min read

How would a cyber criminal attack a manufacturing firm?
The manufacturing sector is being hard hit with cyber-attacks, with one report stating that 50% of manufacturing companies reported...
Feb 24, 20224 min read

This year I'll... do the minimum?
Make a business New Year resolution - to do at least the minimum to increase your businesses cyber resilience. 2021 saw cyber crime...
Dec 30, 20213 min read

"The way you spend Christmas is far more important than how much you spend at Christmas."
Henry David Thoreau said "The way you spend Christmas is far more important than how much you spend at Christmas." Christmas is about...
Dec 21, 20213 min read

Let’s celebrate all things IT
Today marks National I.T. Professionals Day and in acknowledgement of this unique yet well-earned salute to all IT employees...
Sep 21, 20212 min read

Cyber criminals turn their attention to the legal sector
We are now more digitally advanced and switched on than ever. With lockdown, online transactions grew 16% year-on-year as we used the...
Jul 28, 20213 min read

When agriculture meets technology
Farming like all industries is fast becoming a technologically-savvy sector, with heavy investment being ploughed into new advancements....
Jul 26, 20212 min read

Don’t let cyber criminals plough through your data
It’s safe to say that we love a bit of farming in the East of England. In fact, as an industry it has seen an increase of 31% in income...
Jul 20, 20214 min read

East of England Co-op is the first to join the Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre board
East of England Co-op is the first to join the Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre board The Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre (ECRC) is...
Jul 9, 20212 min read

Hammering home the message about cyber awareness, security and resilience
Over the last 18 months, cyber criminals have turned their attention even further towards the construction industry, with a spate of...
Jun 28, 20212 min read

Stay in the know: SMS guidance for businesses
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has published guidance for businesses who use text messages (SMS) to communicate for business.
Jun 25, 20214 min read

News from the Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre
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